“A whole world was opened up because I feel like there is a safe space with Nedra to come back to and share what's going on. This helps to motivate me to go out and try the things that we talk about.”
Alise Shatoff - Case Study
Alise is a talented image consultant and stylist with House of Color and wasn’t getting the amount of clients she wanted.
Alise had been using Instagram almost daily to attract clients. However she was burned out from using Instagram and tired of the low results it yielded. Alise needed more marketing activities and wasn’t sure about her target marketing and who to market to.
We worked together, using different tools like Donald Miller’s worksheets from “Building Your Storybrand,” to help Alise discover who her ideal clients were.
After working with Alise on her own custom 90 Day Marketing Roadmap, I encouraged her to reach out to her community and she found that it was easy to share her amazing services.
Another marketing strategy I suggested was for Alise to attend more in-person networking events. Alise knew if she could connect in person; people naturally wanted to work with her.
Alise attended a few networking groups in her area, aimed specifically at women in leadership, her target marketing, and immediately connected with clients.
When Alise reached out to her community about her personal styling, she was successful in booking new clients that hadn’t realized that Alise is a best kept secret!
Alise now has more clients due to attending more in-person networking events, manages her Instagram so it’s more engaging but doing it less than before. She knows her target market and how to confidently connect with them through different marketing strategies such as giving presentations, which is a natural ability of hers!