Are you an Obliger or an Upholder?

Are you a fan of Gretchen Rubin? She first caught my eye with her book, The Happiness Project - it’s a great book about trying something new for 30 days. I really encourage you to check it out, Gretchen’s a great writer and easy to relate with.
Ok, but I’m here to tell you about something totally different related to Gretchen Rubin. She’s developed this system called the Four Tendencies. She also likes to study behavior and habits. Gretchen discovered folks  “How do I respond to expectations?”, you can learn a lot about yourself. Expectations include outer expectations such as a work deadline and inner expectations such as eating better. 
Gretchen realized that if people can know their NATURAL tendency, they can make better decisions, meet deadlines, suffer less stress and work with their habits and behaviors instead of fighting against their true nature (I think my 20s were all about being in denial of myself, can you agree?)
So the Four Tendencies are 4 archetypes that most people fit into:
Most people are Obligers, they need someone to hold them accountable to get something done. Obligers love having deadlines and a workout buddy to make sure they run or hit the gym.
The least common archetype is Rebels. Yep, I bet you know a Rebel, they are awesome people, but don’t like to go along with the crowd. They aren’t a fan of rules and want to do things their way. Rebels find creative workarounds when it comes to careers and dealing with society norms.
The next type are Questioners. As a Questioner, if you are presented with a new idea or concept, you ask questions to gain more knowledge. Sometimes it can be a way to protect someone or help make a decision.
Then there is the Upholder, they tend to be leaders and make things happen. They can accomplish projects without a deadline and gather folks together. They can also follow the rules a little too closely and create more work for themselves.
Which one sounds like you? Luckily you can take a quiz and see in just a few minutes.
Most likely you are an Obliger and when it comes to marketing in your business,  you are probably letting your marketing slide and it’s at the bottom of your to-do list. You are probably thinking about it and want to take action, but no one is holding you accountable!
Let me help! I can be your guide and give you a plan. I’ve helped and taught over 1,000 business owners how to understand and uplevel their marketing to get more clients and stand out from the crowd. I have a powerful Power Hour where we can tackle your most challenging marketing problem and find a solution. Let’s have a conversation, I’d love to see how I can help you.


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