Marketing Doesn't Have to Be Scary: Strategies to Boost Your Confidence and Grow

I was recently asked at my “Marketing without Social Media” workshop - “How do I demonstrate confidence in my marketing when I have low confidence”

Wow, that’s a good question. I know I’ve had my own struggles during the different businesses I’ve had and the ups and downs of being a business owner. I’m here to offer 5 ways with you to help:

Focus on your strengths
Changing the dialogue and focusing on your strengths can be one of the most powerful ways to impact your business and self-growth. Taking an assessment such as Clifton Strengths can be helpful and provide a great pathway to discovering your strengths. I’ve taken this test 2x in the past 7 years and got the same results. Knowing my strengths has allowed me to move forward with projects and say yes to opportunities I would have struggled with in the past. Knowing my strengths allows me to hire out my weaknesses and stay in my Zone of Genius

Invest in yourself
Supporting yourself can look different, perhaps you need more self care, so taking time off, such as a full day a month or taking a short hike on a weekend help renew yourself. It can also look like investing with a program or a coach who can teach you the framework you’ll need to level up in your business. What do you need to invest in to help level and support yourself in 2022?

Done is better than Perfect
Learning to let go of perfectionism and release your work. I struggled with this for years, but with the help of colleagues and knowing that this is commonly felt for most entrepreneurs, it doesn’t have to haunt you. Getting your message out the door and into the hands of your ideal clients is what counts. You don’t have to have the perfect social media presence, the perfect website or the perfect presentation. I’ve known entrepreneurs who have succeeded without any of those things. It’s totally possible - keep it simple!

Be Consistent
Showing up again and again, even when you don’t feel like it or when it’s boring or it doesn’t feel sexy. Marketing is mostly showing up at the right time and having your message seen enough for people to make a buying decision. I see many folks hop around different marketing activities, never committing to any really but hoping someone buys from them. Make it easy for your audience and show up all the time and again and again. It feels so repetitive to you, but I promise you - it doesn’t for the receiver.

Ask for help and build a team
You shouldn’t go this alone! Getting help and support to grow and sustain a business is critical for success. During the month of November, I’ve shared my own story, a success story of a client and how I work with my VA - all demonstrating how having someone help you in your business unlocks possibilities and frees you up!

Which of these 5 items are you working on right now?


Unlocking Your Business Potential: The Importance of Knowing Your Strengths


The Lesson of Learned Exhaustion: Why I Ditched the Doing Everything Myself and Built a Thriving Business