Beyond the Request: Building Meaningful Relationships on LinkedIn for Business Success

I was recently doing a session with a client and she wanted to know “How should I be using LinkedIn? I only have 100 connections. How are people going to see my profile and updates?” 

It’s a great question and one that I like to answer and it doesn’t have to be that difficult.

Think about this, how much more likely are you to connect on LinkedIn with a stranger or someone you know? Start connecting with people such as old co-workers.

I remember reading this in one of Malcolm Gladwell’s books - Back in the day (pre-internet), we knew around 100 people or less. We didn’t travel very far and fly around the world, meet clients on Zoom, or have social media. Our contacts (for most people) was only based on our daily routines and small groups we associated with. There’s also been proof that it’s difficult for us to keep track of more than 100 people. Think about it, doesn’t that sound like a lot!

Now we know a ton more people (thanks to much of the internet!) and what better way to connect with the folks you know professionally than on LinkedIn. Start connecting with past co-workers, bosses, past clients, and colleagues and I bet you that there’s a large group of people right there. So many of us have had different roles/jobs much more than our parents and just simply know a LOT of people through our work interactions.

Want to learn more ways to use LinkedIn?  Today I’m releasing my LinkedIn Masterclass course!  In less than 1 hour, you can learn who to connect with and much more:


5 Huge Discoveries I’ve Made Working with Virtual Assistants!


Why it’s Helpful to Talk to Strangers - a Lesson in LinkedIn