The Game Changer I Didn't See Coming: How Virtual Assistants Transformed My Business

What is it like behind the scenes of my business? Do I do all the things?
NO! I’ve learned asking for help and delegating is the key to running a
successful business. I’ve been working with multiple virtual assistants over the years and they have transformed  how I operate and run my business in ways I could have never imagined.
I want to give you a sneak peek of how I’ve worked with my current VA and create systems to make my business run smoothly - with a focus on marketing.  

  1. I rarely post organic social media posts, they are usually scheduled and planned out a month in advance. (I used to do it every two weeks, but it was exhausting.) I also found that using a theme for the month helps me plan out social media posts. I usually plan out posts for LinkedIn and Instagram and have my VA schedule and make a few images and also edit and make sure things make sense.

  2. I batch my 4 newsletters (I’ll block out a morning and write them all at once like I’m doing right now!) and write them the month before they are sent. Then I have my VA edit and draft all of them in MailChimp. Together we preview them and schedule them. This has been a godsend, managing email newsletters is a ton of work and this takes the pressure off of me to catch all the minor things.

  3. I have my VA update my events calendar on my website and do minor website updates for me (I use SquareSpace so it’s pretty user-friendly!)

The secret to all of these activities is that I have my VA holds me accountable to get these done so she can do her job. We meet weekly to check on progress and clarification. If I’m dragging on something, it throws a wrench into the whole process. Many times I’m the bottleneck and for me, that’s a motivator.
What helps motivate you to be consistent? Are you finding that you need systems for your marketing and to help you be “top of mind” with your clients and potential leads? What’s holding you back?
Email me and let me know what’s stopping you from having a system or hiring a VA?


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