The Ripple Effect of Marketing Growth: How Hiring a Coach Benefits More Than You

I wanted to share amazing benefits of working with me.

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1) You learn what your strengths are! (How often does someone help you focus on your strengths). As part of my Launch Your Marketing service, I help you take the Top 5 CliftonStrengths Assessment and see what your top 5 strengths are and how they apply to your business and zone of genius.

I find this is vital in helping you learn to focus on what you do best and learn to delegate the rest. Working with my clients, I’ve discovered that truly begin bringing your business to the next level is delegating and I’ll help you get started.

Have you taken the Top 5 CliftonStrengths Assessment? I highly recommend you do! I’ve taken in 2x and scored almost exactly the same in the span of 8 years, it’s a some wonderful data.

2) I’m passionate about investing in my community, giving back and making a positive impact on the world. I teach at the Small Business Development Center at Portland Community College, I’m a volunteer interviewer at Run For Something, and I also host free webinars to help entrepreneurs build and grow their businesses.

I’ll also be giving a percentage of proceeds from my Launch Your Marketing program to 3 different nonprofits (Dress For SuccessBIPOC Support Foundation, and Human Rights Campaign) – so if you work with me in Launch Your Marketing program, you’ll also be helping to support these causes at the same time.

To find out if Launch Your Marketing is the right program for you, we’ll start with a free, 30-minute call. I’ll get to know you and your business, give you more details about the program, and answer any questions you have. Visit my site to learn more and book a call.


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