Overwhelmed by Marketing? A Coach Can Help You Find Clarity and Direction

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I’m here to share some exciting news:

I’ve been going through some large changes. I’m closing down Veritas Web Design by the end of summer and committing 100% full-time to my marketing consulting and coaching business (nedrarezinas.com).

I’ve made a few upgrades to serve my clients at an even higher level with my signature offer: Launch Your Marketing. A 3-month engagement where I help service-based professionals with a marketing solution that provides with 3 critical components:

  1. A marketing strategy that’s appropriate for your unique business (and how you like to work),

  2. A plan for how to delegate the marketing tasks you don’t want to do to other people, and

  3. The confidence that you’re hiring the right people for each job you outsource.

When all 3 of these components are in place, you can rest easier inside, confident that you’re doing the right thing for your business and that everything’s under control.

I wanted to share two things that are new and exciting about my signature service, Launch Your Marketing:

  • There are new tools - when a business signs up for LYM, they immediately have their own DropBox where I share their custom Marketing Strategy Roadmap. I also share tips for software, systems and processes around delegating and improving their marketing, as needed.

  • Get to know your Clifton Strengths. When you sign up for the LYM, I will recommend and help you take Clifton Strengths (if you don’t know your strengths yet! Once you do, your world is blown open.)

I love having you in my community - if you know someone who is struggling to up level in their business and needs help with marketing strategy and hiring the right people, please share this offer! I provide a free 30-minute consultation to see if I’m a good fit.

Book a Zoom meeting today!


The Ripple Effect of Marketing Growth: How Hiring a Coach Benefits More Than You


The Trust Factor: How Marketing Can Help You Win Over Clients (and Keep Them!)