Why’s it’s Vital to Make Mistakes in Your Business

I wanted to share a success story of a client I’ve worked with:

Terry is a career coach who works with high-achieving leaders, managers, executives and professionals to support them through transitions, goals, and achieving happiness at work. Terry owns a lot of foundational pieces for her business: a podcast, she wrote a book in 2019 that launched in 2020, a professional website, and a strong presence on LinkedIn. She was having a hard time attracting the right clients to build up her practice, suffered from shiny object syndrome, and wanted some guidance on marketing.

After working with Terry on the Launch Your Marketing Framework, I developed a marketing roadmap that included a revamp of her website,  ramping up her email marketing and social media posts (and how to delegate that), and launching a series of free webinars to attract new clients. 

Terry has taken action on her website, hiring someone to rebuild it for her (saving $1000s per year), in the process of hiring a marketing Virtual Assistant, and connecting to a coaching program to help her streamline her process and deliverables for clients.

Are you looking for someone to help you tie all of your assets together and create a foundation for your marketing?

I believe that in order to change and grow, we all need people we can explicitly trust to listen to our story and our struggles non-judgmentally. I make it a point to be transparent and honest with my clients about my own challenges and backstory so they know they can do the same with me.

I believe in telling the unfiltered truth about the service providers I recommend – and I won’t hesitate to let my clients know if someone they’re considering hiring has reliability issues.

I believe that it's okay to make mistakes in your business. We’ve all hired service providers who have burned us or made strategic choices we’ve regretted – and that’s part of every business owner’s journey. That’s why we seek help from trusted business advisors and coaches who will help us develop better strategies moving forward.

The first step in working together is to book a free discovery call where we can get to know each other and discuss our best options for working together . Schedule your no-obligation call today!


You're Not Alone: Conquering Marketing Overload and Building a Winning Strategy


Do or Do Not. There is no try.