Unlock Growth and Success: Why Leadership is the Missing Piece for Business Owners

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I was fortunate enough to be awarded and chose to attend leadership camp as a junior in high school. 

It was one of the best weeks in my life as a teenager. All day was packed full of talks, interviews, group work and projects and fun activities. Coming from a small town, I got the chance to meet people in different professions and it broadened my mind on what’s possible in your career and how leadership plays a role in our work and personal lives. 

I remember there were two women directors, they were twins and thank god they wore different outfits so I could tell them apart, but they were so kind and helpful and approachable. I remember thinking that they demonstrated the best kind of leadership I wanted to possess as an adult. I ended up asking them lots of questions, and if they didn’t know the answer, they would help me figure it out. They were extroverted but they didn’t talk over people. Just amazing, high quality people I wanted to model after as I advanced in my college and adult path. 

Circling back to leadership, as business owners, we all possess a style of leadership that can be very different person to person. Here’s a few takeaways I’d like to share that I’ve learned over the years.

1. A great leader invests in their strengths 

Our culture really likes to focus on our flaws and faults. Sample a bunch of ads and they will tell you that you need to be smarter, slimmer, faster, stronger, and more. Will an ad tell you to focus on your strengths or even mention them? 

The folks I’ve met over the years (much like the twins at the leadership camp) embrace their strengths and delegate their weaknesses (and don’t fret or stew in what they aren’t good at!) 

2. Great leaders surround themselves with complimentary people to create a team

As the CEO and boss of your company (even if you are the only employee) you can’t do it all yourself. That’s right! I said it. And guess what, I’ve tried and failed many times so I know it’s a true statement. It’s vital to surround yourself with people who know more than you, can help you execute on important projects, and grow your business. 

3. Strong leaders understand their community’s needs 

As a business owner, in order for your business to survive, you need to have a product and/or service that solves your client’s needs. It’s really that simple. If a product or service falls flat or doesn’t solve a problem, the business usually fails. It’s very common for newer business owners to create something that they wanted but didn’t do trials and beta tests to see if there’s enough of a market share to warrant creating a business around their solution. I have made that mistake multiple times. The trick is to fail fast and move on. One time, I didn’t and it cost me a lot (I’ll save that story for another time…) 

You need to know who your ideal client/customer/buyer is and really understand them. It’s one more reason that delegation and having a team is necessary and critical for business growth. Your team can help you make better business decisions on marketing and sales for your products and services and reduce the risk. 

If you aren’t looking to grow and want to stay small and play it safe. I get it - I was there for many years. However, if you want to stand in your leadership, focus on your strengths and cultivate a team of freelancers (or employees) who execute on your marketing and more, I can help. 

Ready to step into your CEO role? I believe understanding your marketing, creating a custom plan, and delegating your marketing to the right people leads to success. Do you agree?  

If yes, schedule your free, no-obligation call to discuss how I can help you.


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